A Blue Light Lover Dreaming of Your Architecture

Craving the caress of you, blue light lover with the night dying on my watch, untouched & illuminated like streetlight silence. Dreaming of collapsing into the curves & crannies of your architecture and waking in an endless bliss, but dreaming from a distance is a long way to fall.

( J )



In the cavity of a bubble, ricocheting on the impact of lager louts and their remaining energy. Somersaults in polythene, acrobatics in plastic, hanging zorbing football stag.

( J )



Slipping seemless into the culture of lad, scores of stags & lager intravenous. Dodging the binge & dining on burgers, hiding in the shadows of a stag ready for the embrace of marriage, an eternal duality soaked in the light of a life & lust.

( J )